音楽と人 - July 2004
Lucy interview
Translation: Lola

So, let's hear how the three of you met for the first time.
Kiyoshi: I was in a bar with hide-kun and he introduced us. That was...about eight years ago?
Imai: Wasn't it a bit before that? When we met? I think it's close to five years before that.
Kiyoshi: That was just a casual meeting. It was a long time ago but I was talking about when we were drinking and telling stupid stories.
Imai: Right, that time you were kidnapped Kiyoshi-kun. *smiles*

To Imai's house. *laughs*
Kiyoshi: We exchanged phone numbers but there was a weird doodle on the paper and when I called, it sounded like a fax.*laughs*
Imai: Wahahahaha! I didn't draw that!
Kiyoshi: We were supposed to meet up at your place and hang out for a little while but I wasn't able to go because of that stupid doodle of a dick and the endless drone of the fax machine.
Imai: ...ah, I remember that! That was Acchan!
Kiyoshi: About a week after that I got a call from you.
Imai: It took me even longer to call Kacchan. It took two years before our first meeting.
Kacchan: But I think our meeting was more catalytic.

It was the time of M-AGE?
Imai: Yeah. So we spoke during a Guniw Tools recording. Since I had offered to write a song for them I went to go play it in the studio. Kacchan was taking care of the manipulation at the time and then...we went our for drinks.

Yes, yes.
Kacchan: I had to use honorifics then. For Kiyoshi-kun...
Kiyoshi: It was for Imai-kun that you had to!

So it all begins with drinking at the Imai residence.
Kacchan: But at first I thought he was the kind of person that doesn't talk.
Imai: Wahahaha! Shut up! My first impression of Kacchan...was that he looked like a pro.
Kacchan: What! Seriously?!
Imai: When I went to go play in the studio for the first time, I saw you from behind and you were tying up your long hair. My impression of you as you played the keyboard was 'he's an amazing manipulator!'. You seemed it. *smiles* But that night we went drinking together for the first time and that image of you gradually crumbled. Kukukuku.

What about you Kiyoshi-san?
Kiyoshi: Well it wasn't the best beginning, there wasn't that kind of easy exchange of words but, I tried to talk a lot so that we could reach that point. Surprisingly we were able to chat. I thought maybe he'd be put off by my friendship but there was none of that kind of thing. Like when you're a kid right, say in high school and your friends decide to let you in. Then all the neighbourhood kids say "See you around~". But then suddenly because they're quiet, you feel like they're put off by you.
Imai: You're hard to please.
Kiyoshi: Don't say that about me! *laughs*
Kacchan: Ok, then I'll say it.

Kiyoshi: I'm really not, but anyway yesterday I was watching tv and Tetsu and Tomo were on. And I thought that one of them really looks like Kacchan! They have the same eyes!
Imai: Yeah. I had thought that too for quite a while.
Kacchan: Seriously!!
Imai: If you're popular, then others will imitate you~ Why is it so~ (<-sung rehearsed).
Kiyoshi: You look alike when your eyes are darting about restlessly.
Kacchan: My impression of Kiyoshi-kun also was that he has a solemn gaze.
Kiyoshi: It's not solemn!
Kacchan: It is solemn, especially when you look up like that *laughs*. But when you're being open then your eyes are like a teen's.

So he gives the impression of being like a high school student.
Kiyoshi: Yes, exactly. Before that, when I drank with hide and some others, just Ani came. We were drinking together and when hide began to say "Let's call Imai!", Ani said "No, Imai's in the middle of composing so he's too stressed right now", he always explained how serious it was. "Because Imai is extremely distressed now..." he continued to say but then, the door flew open with a bang and this guy comes in suddenly wearing a Hawaiian shirt with a skeleton on it *laughs*.
Imai: Hyahahahahaha!
Kiyoshi: hide ended up doing the opposite of what Ani said and called him. It didn't even take him 30 minutes to come from his house. Then Ani waved over to Imai without getting angry and said "Yo, Imai!".
Imai: Hyahahahahahahahaha!
Kacchan: They're a funny band aren't they.
Kiyoshi: I'll never forget that *smiles*.
Imai: That was our long-lasting secret.
Kacchan: You only think of what's good for you don't you?
Kiyoshi: But Ani still took your head off *laughs*.
Imai: I know! When he yells at me, I'm always like 'Aaaah!'. But it wasn't my fault! When I was invited I said no at first but then hide was all pouty and sad!

...so you went.
Imai: Because I knew my work can be done easily and I was really worried about him.
Kacchan: I could never do that, I'm not the type of person who can drop everything and come in the blink of an eye.

From the start I always thought it would be fun to drink with you guys but how did things come to be as they are now?
Kiyoshi: It was about two years ago I guess. Imai-kun came to one of my lives and as we were drinking after we thought we should try to work on something together.
Imai: It's not that I didn't really want to do it. I figured that if we did do something together it would be interesting.
Kiyoshi: Anyway, so while we were drinking I wondered 'So, what should we name our band?'. We were like high school kids, talking about silly things, imagining our band *laughs*. And I said 'How about Lucy?'.
Imai: As in Lucy Monostone.
Kiyoshi: Lucy is cool, refreshing. Coolly~, Lucy~.(1)

*bursts out laughing* It has a light feeling.(2)
Imai: Ah, what was it that Kiyoshi-kun said? Like...huh? I can't remember *laughs*.

Imai: It was some name with 3 or 4 words in it, a really crappy band name.

Like Machine Gun Elephant?
Kiyoshi: Isn't Lucy a cool name? I asked him 'is it really ok?', that sort of light~ language. I think that if I were in a band by myself, I would be too embarrassed to use Lucy as the name you know *laughs*. But if I'm doing something with Imai-kun, then it fits really well. With the simple image. So, then I asked him 'How about Lucy?' and he said 'Hyahahaha! That's like Luna Sea!' as if it was the stupidest thing ever *laughs*. He hurt my feelings.

Kukuku. Okazaki-san, what did you think of the name "Lucy" when you first heard it?
Kacchan: What do you think I thought, given that the first time I heard it, we were in a bar.
Kiyoshi: He just kept saying 'Lucy' over and over.
Kacchan: Given how drunk you both were, I wondered what would come of us working together. I vaguely thought that just with the two of you having this amazing energy, the ideas probably don't stop flowing. Something with a light sound but that would feel powerful, you know.

And that's when you were enticed.
Kacchan: Yeah so I said 'I'll do Lucy!' and they replied 'Ok!' but since we had been drinking I wasn't sure if it meant anything. *laughs*

Hahahahaha. What was your reason for thinking to work with Kacchan?
Imai: When we first thought about it our concept was just of two guitarists but I wanted to express a more tight band image that was easy to understand but without the sound being digital. So then I figured that well, we need a drummer *smiles*. But I didn't want to have to explain things all over again. So I based my choice on who I knew would do it for me.
Kacchan: What kind of choice is that! *laughs*
Imai: Hyahahahaha. Then I didn't think he would do it because he said 'Hold on...let me think about it'. But like it wasn't because he's the kind of terrible person who demands a lot of money. Really, it was because the band started from people coming together who drink all the time.

And the thought that came to mind when he thought about it was...?
Imai: He didn't even think about it.
Kacchan: Only because I couldn't *laughs*.
Imai: Hyahahahaha. Because we didn't ask anyone else to do it, we asked you 'Kacchan, will you do it?'. Since without you there would be no drums.
Kiyoshi: What he's saying is maybe even though we did it, we didn't have a choice.

Wahahahaha, that's for sure.
Imai: What I'm saying is that you both decided! I always seem to be saying this in the end but I think we're just the right three people for the group.

*smiles* That's for your partners to judge.
Kiyoshi: After we have to talk about rockin', rockin'. Of course I thought that Kacchan was the best choice for the drums.

In a way you balance each other out when you say that sort of thing.(3)
Kacchan: It's become that way hasn't it *smiles*. I try to enjoy myself. I want to have fun *smiles*.
Imai: What the hell are you saying!? That sounds so bad!!
Kiyoshi: When you say you try to enjoy yourself it doesn't really sound like you mean it!
Kacchan: W-what!?
Kiyoshi: You don't sound happy, you sound sad *laughs*.

It always ends up being like when you're drinking *laughs*.
Imai: No no no. I just can't believe Kacchan.
Kacchan: That's why I shouldn't be here you know *laughs*.
Kiyoshi: Like when we were drinking at Imai-kun's. I thought that Kacchan was in the toilet but after waiting a really long time, he didn't come out. So I peeked in and asked 'Are you ok?' but he wasn't there.
Kacchan: I have a low tolerance, when I drink I end up falling asleep.
Imai: When I asked 'he's not asleep in the equipment room is he?', Kiyoshi said he wasn't there. So then,
'The washroom?'(4)
'Then he must be in the toilet!'
'He's not.'
So then I told Kiyoshi to go check the toilet again while I go see if his shoes are still here but his shoes weren't there! *laughs*

Imai: So I called him but I couldn't get through *laughs*. I was surprised...no, shocked!
Kiyoshi: He went home, the jerk.
Kacchan: Yes.
Imai: Up till that point you weren't there.
Kiyoshi: After that I had to tell myself that Kacchan was still there to keep drinking.
Imai: Then I said, 'No! He wasn't here from the start. It was an illusion!'.
Kacchan: Occasionally~ that's what tends to happen.

*laughs* But when I listened to the album I thought there wasn't anything to think about, I mean it has style but there's no shred of intelligence but I think it's great that way.
Imai: Intelligence is my department, do you have a problem with that?

Kukuku. No, don't you think it's good like that?
Imai: Um, I didn't really think about it but I guess so. When I listened to the sounds I thought it was good. Especially when I listen through the whole album. But I didn't really give it much thought until now.

Perhaps there isn't a need for everyone in the band to think about that is there?
Imai: There isn't. The band itself has the impression that even if we arrange each note and sound precisely, it just ends up sounding a little overdone.
Kiyoshi: Usually when we're thinking through something that has a digital sound, then we really fuss over whether it sounds rough or stiff. I think doing that is fine but all you have to do is do it in a way that each person is allowed their say. Even Buck-Tick does this. I do it too. Yet even without doing all that we had a breakthrough when at the beginning Imai-kun began to talk about his image for rockin'...
Imai: ...it wasn't me.
Kiyoshi: ...yes it was!

Hey hey! *laughs*
Imai: It was Kiyoshi-kun!
Kiyoshi: I know that it was Imai-kun who said it *laughs*.

Kacchan, can you please settle this.
Kacchan: Maybe it was Kiyoshi-kun.
Kiyoshi: Whaaaat!! But I know that it was Imai-kun because I thought he said 'Aah! How about Rockin'!!'. Hm, maybe it was 'Double Big Bang' he said or something.
Kacchan: Now you're just getting it all backwards. *laughs*

Is this band alright? *laughs*
Kiyoshi: ...I said rockin'?

You said it again.
Imai: Yes. Exactly.
Kiyoshi: I guess it's just in my head but I had the impression that Imai-kun's rockin' image would be really fun and enjoyable if I did it.

With two guitarists.
Kiyoshi: With two guitarists who also sing. That was the only image we had at the time, even for the live.

What kind of image did the idea of a live bring to mind?
Kiyoshi: Like the PV for 'Double Big Bang'. Even though I laughed when I saw it *laughs*. I vaguely had an image in my head of what the two of us singing would be like but when it was actually in front of me to see I totally cracked up *laughs*. But it had that sort of frank feeling about it. That happened even when watching it with proper sound.

I see.
Kiyoshi: Even though our taste in drinks and food are completely different *laughs*.
Kacchan: They are different aren't they.
Kiyoshi: Like how Imai-kun loves Imojouchuu(5) (sweet potato liquor) but I could never drink that. I'm like a kid when it comes to what I can eat.
Imai: You like your ketchup and hamburgers.
Kiyoshi: And Imai-kun likes his minced meat(6) and salty-sweet flavoured soy sauce *laughs*.

I see, you do have different taste. So was that reflected in Imai saying "Rolling Lucy's rolling is she?".
Kiyoshi: Yeah he said that *laughs*. I thought about it for a little while then said 'That's not funny. But maybe it could work?' I thought that I'd try to listen to it the next day when I woke up and if it was good, I'd burn it onto a CD.
Imai: What but, I thought that had always been a tentative title. Anyway I guess it's a good one *laughs*. It was 'Muse Met Morning' that I thought wasn't quite right. But I was still stunned and utterly surprised by 'Rolling Lucy', 'huh? Ro-ro-rolling Lucy?'
Kacchan: You were really surprised?
Imai: That was my honest reaction *laughs*.

The truth comes out.
Imai: I thought Kiyoshi-kun had such amazing nerve when he brought in song lyrics and said 'You'll be singing this too!' *laughs*. Then because he didn't change the title when were at the studio I said 'Wha-? This? I see.' *laughs*
Kacchan: That confirms it *laughs*.
Kiyoshi: First of all I recorded the rhythm with only me on guitar, then Imai-kun was supposed to do his a little after. Then later I thought maybe I'd put in the previous song but it was still mine so I had to wake Imai-kun up since he was asleep.

Kiyoshi: 'Imai-ku~n, it's time to work~, on a so~ng, give me a song damn it!' That was the first time he actually showed me his song lyrics.

'Rolling Lucy', the ability to wake up Imai-san *laughs*.
Imai: I was in the middle of the best R.E.M. sleep too *laughs*.
Kiyoshi: Well it's better to sing when the tension's high.
Kacchan: Like when you put the key in the ignition.

Ah, the moment the car starts *laughs*.
Kiyoshi: But you know we always drink together yet because we had never worked together, I could only imagine how it would be until we began recording. My singing is straightforward but I thought perhaps Imai-kun would bring a more commanding feeling to the songs. So I thought that's how Imai-kun would sing even for my compositions but surprisingly he sang sharply.

That 'commanding' Imai-san that you were thinking of is the one you see in Buck-Tick is it not, Kiyoshi-san?
Kiyoshi: Yeah, but that wasn't my only misconception. I also thought Imai-kun was a pillar for New Wave music but when I saw him in magazines and PVs, he was simply cool. Standing with his guitar he looked so cool, like a rocker. When you look cool with a guitar, you're already in the realm of Rock'n Roll. So I already knew that no matter what, he would absolutely be good for Lucy, even just standing there he exudes power.

He has presence.
Kiyoshi: Yeah, his presence is amazingly cool. When I thought about the recording of 'Hey!', I didn't have John Lydon in mind but the voice sounded like the Pistols. They really resembled each other. There was something avant-garde, no anarchist about it and he always had all of that.

But how is he anarchist, is he not commanding and supremely sharp sounding?
Kiyoshi: Yes and with a sensitivity to being fashion-conscious but above all that he has a sharp voice when he sings. I thought Imai-kun had all that and more.

You should be more subtle, he's right beside you. You'll embarrass him.
Imai: Tch, I'm not embarrassed!
Kacchan: Oh I think he's a little embarrassed right now.
Kiyoshi: That's our Anarchy-kun, always cool.

How do you feel? Anarchy-san?
Imai: Don't call me Anarchy-kun!(7)

(1) In the original Japanese, Kiyoshi makes a play on the rhyme of the words 'suzushii' and 'Lucy'. I think he's trying to be funny but that kind of joke is called an 'oyajii' joke in Japan, meaning, it's the kind of joke old men make. Which in the end, explains why Imai makes fun of Kiyoshi later for the name.
(2) I translated another interview that came out a month before this one, in which only Imai is interviewed, and in that he kept stressing that Lucy was supposed to have a 'light' feeling.
(3) 'Balance each other out' in the original Japanese the interviewer says 中和剤 which literally means a neutralizer or antidote to a poison or a drug. However in Japanese this expression is often used in two sorts of situations wherein there is an uncomfortable situation but it is 'neutralized' or 'balanced' by the people involved. For instance, if two people are angry and want to fight, their anger will cancel each other out or if two people just meet for the first time and are really shy and have nothing to say to each other, the discomfort at having nothing to say will be balanced by the fact that the other has nothing to say either and is also shy. So basically, all this to say that they compliment each other. *laughs*
(4) In traditional Japanese homes the toilet is separated from the washroom. The washroom being where you actually wash, shower, bathe, etc.
(5)This sweet potato liquor is a very traditional drink that is usually preferred by older people. Just as Japanese sake is distilled from rice, Imojouchuu is distilled from potatoes.
(6) そぼろ is a traditional minced meat dish that can be made of any minced meat, chicken, beef, pork... Quite often kids get it in their lunches and they sell it in ready made 'bento-boxes' at convenient stores in Japan.
(7) I just want to show what the original Japanese was because it made me giggle, Imai sounds so whiny and I imagine hearing him saying that must have been quite amusing.
Imai: 俺をアナーキー君って呼ぶんじゃねええええええ!